Saturday, May 19, 2007


Get your own Slide Show!

Curs Blog

La cursul de "Comunicare in Spatiul Web - Blog-ul" am invatat sa
- introducem articole pe blog
- imagini de pe claculatorul personal local sau prin adresa URL de pe internet
- realizam un link
- realizam un album (slide si flash)

Asteptam cu nerabdare sa invatam mai mult.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

adrese colegi

Ghimici Ciprian
Alexandru Sebastian
Aldea Cristina

cristina ghetau

cristina ghimici

laura bejenaru

alt album

Oferta Educationala

Oferta Educationala a liceelor din Iasi, organizata de ISJ, Iasi, a avut loc in data de 13 mai 2007 la Univ. "Al. I. Cuza" in Sala Pasilor Pierduti.

Oferta Educationala" />
Get'>">Get your own Slide Show!


Many years ago some fishermen were smugglers, too. But worse than that, tjhere were wreckers. In a storm, the sailors on a ship couldn't see the dangerous rocks on the coast. The wreckers walked along the cliffs with lights and the sailors thought they could see the lights of another ship. So they followed the lights, until their ship hit the rocks. many sailors often died and the wreckers climbed on board the ship and took everything.

The National Seal Sanctuary

Thousands of marine animals, like seals and dolphins are in danger. Because the people are the biggest danger to them, the Seal Sanctuary was opened in 1957. In over 40 years of work hundreds of seals have been rescued.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Cornwall and the sea

The Cornish coast is famous all over the world. There are long beaches, and there are wild and beautiful rocks and cliffs, too. The Cornish have always lived from the sea. Fishermen have gone out in all sorts of weather in their little boats, and the villages and harbours along the coast have given them shelter from the storms. Today there are not so many fishermen, but lots of tourists.